Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted of Mortgage Fraud in Split Verdict

Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby faces legal consequences as a federal jury delivered a split verdict, finding her guilty of one count of mortgage fraud. This follows her previous conviction on two counts of perjury in November.

Marilyn Mosby
Marilyn Mosby

Verdict Details:

The split verdict, announced Tuesday, revealed Mosby’s conviction on one mortgage fraud count, while she was found not guilty on a second charge. The charges stem from allegations that Mosby made false statements on loan applications to purchase two Florida vacation homes.

Previous Conviction:

In November, Mosby was convicted of perjury for falsely claiming financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic to withdraw money from the city’s retirement fund. She has yet to be sentenced for either conviction, facing up to five years for each perjury count.

Marilyn Mosby
Marilyn Mosby

Background of Charges:

prosecutors filed charges against Mosby, alleging she falsely claimed pandemic-related hardship to access funds from her retirement account, subsequently using the money for down payments on Florida properties. Prosecutors argued that she repeatedly lied on mortgage applications, leading to the mortgage fraud charges.

Trial Details:

The trial, initially set to take place in Baltimore, was relocated to Greenbelt, Maryland, due to concerns about potential juror bias influenced by media coverage. Both Mosby and her ex-husband, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby, provided testimony during the trial.

Marilyn Mosby
Marilyn Mosby

Conviction Basis:

Prosecutors asserted that Mosby failed to disclose her federal tax debt on loan applications, contributing to the mortgage fraud charges. The prosecution focused on her alleged deception about receiving a $5,000 gift from her then-husband, affecting her interest rate.

Legal Ramifications:

Found guilty of mortgage fraud, Mosby now faces a maximum prison sentence of 30 years for the single count. The conviction adds to her legal challenges, potentially impacting her previous perjury conviction.

Marilyn Mosby
Marilyn Mosby


Marilyn Mosby’s conviction on mortgage fraud charges marks a significant legal development, raising questions about the future implications for the former Baltimore prosecutor. As legal proceedings continue, Mosby’s legal team may pursue avenues for appeal, shaping the trajectory of her legal battles.

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