Oklahoma Student Dies After High School Bathroom Fight

In a heartbreaking incident, a 16-year-old Oklahoma student, Nex Benedict, passed away one day after a fight in the Owasso High School West Campus bathroom. The circumstances surrounding the tragedy raise questions about school safety and the well-being of students.

Oklahoma student dies after fight

Unanswered Questions:

The fight occurred on February 7, 2024, leaving school officials and authorities grappling with unresolved questions. The lack of clarity about the incident and the subsequent death has prompted concerns and demands for a thorough investigation.

Identification and Citizenship:

Nex Benedict, not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation but residing on the reservation, became the focal point of a joint inquiry involving local authorities and the Owasso Police Department. Cherokee Nation’s Principal Chief, Chuck Hoskin Jr., expressed sorrow over Nex’s untimely demise.

Oklahoma student dies after fight

Allegations of Bullying:

Nex’s mother revealed to the Independent that the teenager had experienced bullying at school due to their gender identity. The alleged bullying has raised questions about its connection to the tragic events and underscores the need for a comprehensive examination of school dynamics.

Ongoing Investigation:

The Owasso Police Department stated that the investigation into Nex’s death is ongoing. The cause of death has not been disclosed, leaving the community anxious for answers and highlighting the importance of transparency in such cases.

Oklahoma student dies after fight

School’s Response:

Owasso Public Schools addressed the growing speculation and misinformation surrounding the case, emphasizing their commitment to student safety. The district acknowledged the fight on school grounds and the subsequent loss, emphasizing the need for a safe and inclusive environment.

School Fight Details:

District officials clarified that the students involved in the fight were in the restroom for a brief period, separated by other students and a supervising staff member. The school promptly provided health assessments for all involved students, adhering to safety protocols.

Oklahoma student dies after fight

Tragic Outcome:

Despite efforts to address the aftermath of the fight, Nex’s tragic death has deeply affected the school community. The district described the loss as devastating, emphasizing the need for support, understanding, and a commitment to fostering a safe environment for everyone.

Parental Involvement:

Parents of the involved students were contacted, and health assessments were conducted following the altercation. One parent was advised to seek further medical evaluation out of caution, highlighting the collaborative effort between the school and parents in responding to the incident.

Oklahoma student dies after fight

Police Intervention:

Police were alerted to the situation when a parent reported the fight at Bailey Medical Center. A school resource officer also responded, emphasizing the importance of community involvement and communication in addressing incidents that occur within the school environment.

Remembering Nex Benedict:

Sue Benedict, Nex’s mother, shared memories of her child, describing them as a straight-A student who loved animals and enjoyed cooking. As the community mourns Nex’s passing, the focus remains on honoring their memory and ensuring a safer school environment for all.


The tragic loss of Nex Benedict highlights the need for a comprehensive examination of school safety measures, addressing bullying concerns, and fostering an inclusive environment. As the investigation continues, the community grapples with grief, seeking answers and advocating for a safer educational environment for every student.

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