Retired US Army Colonel Charged with Divulging Classified Information on Foreign dating website

In a shocking development, David Franklin Slater, a retired US Army colonel formerly associated with US Strategic Command (Stratcom), has been charged with unlawfully transmitting classified information through a foreign dating website. The allegations claim that Slater, 63, shared sensitive details gleaned from classified Stratcom briefings about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The case highlights the potential security risks associated with individuals entrusted with top-secret information.

Ex-colonel accused of divulging US secrets on foreign dating website make a title

Charges and Arrest:

Slater was apprehended on Saturday and is set to appear in court on Tuesday. Charging documents released on Monday reveal that he transmitted classified documents, which had the potential to harm the United States, to an individual he believed to be a woman in Ukraine. The charges include one count of conspiracy and two counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, carrying a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison if he is convicted.

Ex-colonel accused of divulging US secrets on foreign dating website make a title

Details of Classified Information Exchange:

The charging documents describe message exchanges where Slater was repeatedly questioned about US national defense secrets. One message, dated March 11, asked about the content displayed in a special room, while another message on March 23 referred to Slater as a “secret agent” and expressed gratitude for valuable information. Specific details about the country in question and the foreign dating website involved have been redacted.

Ex-colonel accused of divulging US secrets on foreign dating website make a title

Investigation and Consequences:

The case was investigated jointly by the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. US Attorney Susan Lehr for the District of Nebraska emphasized the gravity of the allegations, stating that individuals with access to top-secret information bear significant responsibilities, and the charges against Slater raise questions about potential betrayal of those responsibilities.

Potential Legal Ramifications:

If found guilty, Slater could face severe legal consequences, including imprisonment for up to 10 years. The incident comes on the heels of another case where a US airman, Jack Teixeira, pleaded guilty to six counts of illegally retaining and transmitting national defense information, potentially facing a sentence of up to 16 years in prison.


The charges against David Franklin Slater underscore the critical importance of safeguarding classified information and the potential vulnerabilities associated with individuals entrusted with national security details. As the legal proceedings unfold, the case serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance in protecting sensitive information, particularly in an era where technological platforms can be exploited for espionage and security breaches.

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