Tragedy in Custody: South Lake Tahoe Man Dies Without Vital Medication, Family Files Civil Rights Lawsuit

In a heartbreaking incident, South Lake Tahoe Man Dies, Nick Overfield, lost his life while in police custody due to alleged negligence in providing him with essential medication. The family’s pursuit of justice has led to the filing of a federal civil rights lawsuit against El Dorado County and Wellpath, the medical care provider for the jail.

Key Events Leading to Tragedy:

  1. Arrest and Lack of Medication:
    In February 2022, El Dorado County Deputies arrested Nick Overfield for failing to appear for a court hearing. Despite his diagnosed HIV condition, the family claims that Nick was not given the necessary medication during his time at the El Dorado jail in South Lake Tahoe.
  2. Deteriorating Health in Custody:
    Lesley, Nick’s mother, expressed her concerns over Nick’s worsening health while in custody. Despite providing deputies with Nick’s prescription for HIV, his health deteriorated significantly during the two months at the jail.
  3. Alleged Negligence by Medical Staff:
    The family contends that medical records from the hospital reveal Nick was not administered his HIV medication during his stay at the jail. They accuse both deputies and Wellpath Community Care, responsible for medical care in the jail, of either being “unaware” or “ignoring” the severity of Nick’s health.

Legal Action and Pursuit of Justice:

  1. Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit:
    Dissatisfied with the lack of answers, the family took legal action by filing a federal civil rights lawsuit against El Dorado County and Wellpath on January 17, 2023. The lawsuit aims to hold accountable those responsible for the alleged negligence that led to Nick’s untimely death.
  2. Call for Policy and Contractual Changes:
    Ty Clarke, the family’s attorney from Lawyers for the People in Oakland, California, emphasizes the need for policy changes in the jail system and contractual revisions with medical care providers. The lawsuit underscores the urgency to prevent such tragic incidents and questions the accountability of Wellpath, a company receiving substantial taxpayer funding nationwide.

Response from Authorities and Wellpath:

  1. Silence from Wellpath:
    News 4 reached out to Wellpath five times for a response but has not received any feedback. The lack of communication raises concerns about transparency and accountability on the part of the medical care provider.
  2. Sheriff’s Office Statement:
    The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office declined to provide a statement regarding the incident, leaving questions about the circumstances surrounding Nick’s inadequate medical care unanswered.

Aftermath and Grieving Family:

  1. Cause of Death and Grieving Process:
    The death certificate attributes Nick’s demise to varicella-zoster encephalitis, a severe brain disease. The family contends that the lack of treatment for his HIV directly contributed to this fatal outcome. The grief-stricken family mourns the loss of Nick, remembering him as a devoted father who loved his family.
  2. Demand for Justice:
    Lesley expresses her determination to seek justice for Nick, emphasizing the impact on his children who have lost a father. The family’s pursuit of justice serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of neglect within the criminal justice and healthcare systems.


The tragic death of Nick Overfield underscores the critical intersection of the criminal justice system and healthcare, demanding accountability and policy changes to prevent such incidents in the future. The federal civil rights lawsuit serves as a legal avenue for the family to seek justice and prompt a reevaluation of procedures within correctional facilities. As the legal process unfolds, the case highlights the broader need for transparency, accountability, and reform in the treatment of individuals in police custody, particularly those with pre-existing medical conditions.

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