Super Tuesday Unfolds: Trump and Biden Lead, Haley Exits Race

Super Tuesday, the pivotal moment in the presidential primary season, unfolded with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump solidifying their positions as frontrunners. As 15 states and American Samoa cast their votes, the results painted a picture of the 2024 election landscape. However, one unexpected turn emerged as Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor, announced the suspension of her presidential campaign.

Super Tuesday results

Super Tuesday Overview:

Super Tuesday saw voters from 15 states and American Samoa participate in primaries, with a total of over 800 delegates at stake. The race is heating up, with President Biden and former President Trump emerging as resounding frontrunners after the primary contests. Notably, Nikki Haley secured a win in Vermont, marking a symbolic victory in a race dominated by Trump.

Super Tuesday Shake-Up: Trump and Biden Dominate, Haley Exits Race

Results Snapshot:

President Biden and former President Trump dominated Super Tuesday, setting the stage for a potential rematch in November 2024. Trump conceded Vermont to Nikki Haley, while Biden faced a defeat in the American Samoa caucuses against a relatively unknown contender, Jason Palmer. The results, coupled with the Democratic contest in Iowa, offered a comprehensive view of the candidates’ standings.

Super Tuesday Shake-Up: Trump and Biden Dominate, Haley Exits Race

Delegates and Figures:

With a total of 854 delegates on the line for the GOP and 1,420 for the Democrats, Super Tuesday accounts for about 35% of the total delegates available. While most polls closed around 7 or 8 p.m., the official results for many states were not immediately announced.

Super Tuesday Shake-Up: Trump and Biden Dominate, Haley Exits Race

Nikki Haley Exit:

In a surprising turn of events, Nikki Haley announced the suspension of her Republican presidential primary campaign. Delivering remarks in Charleston, South Carolina, Haley confirmed the decision but did not endorse former President Trump. Haley, the final remaining rival to Trump in a crowded Republican field, had formally launched her 2024 campaign in February of the previous year. However, a string of defeats, with Trump dominating all primary contests except for Washington, D.C., and Vermont, led to the suspension of her White House ambitions.

Super Tuesday Shake-Up: Trump and Biden Dominate, Haley Exits Race


As Super Tuesday concluded, the political landscape for the 2024 election became clearer. Trump and Biden emerged as formidable contenders, setting the stage for a potential rematch. Nikki Haley’s exit added an unexpected twist to the race, leaving voters and political analysts eager to see how the remaining primaries and caucuses will shape the path to November. The journey towards the White House continues, marked by surprises and shifting dynamics.

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Super Tuesday results
Super Tuesday results