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15 states and American Samoa cast votes, shaping the 2024 election landscape. 

Image: Bing

Biden and Trump emerge as frontrunners, solidifying positions after Super Tuesday. 

Image: Bing

Haley secures Vermont, a symbolic victory in a race dominated by Trump. 

Image: Bing

Biden faces a surprising defeat in American Samoa caucuses against Jason Palmer. 

Image: Bing

854 GOP and 1,420 Dem delegates at stake, shaping about 35% of the total .

Image: Bing

Most polls close at 7-8 p.m., but official results delayed for many states. 

Image: Bing

Nikki Haley suspends her Republican primary campaign without endorsing Trump. 

Image: Bing

Trump and Biden solidify positions, setting the stage for a 2024 rematch. 

Image: Bing

Iowa results released, offering a comprehensive view of the candidates' standings. 

Image: Bing

Super Tuesday's twists, exits, and surprises shape the path to the 2024 election.